Pictures from Past Tournaments

Player Registration

Please complete and return the Players Registration Sheet IMMEDIATELY. 

The deadline for receipt of Players Registration Details is Friday 23rd May. Any team failing to submit players' details by this date may not be eleigible to compete on the day.

We MUST have a record of each player’s name and birth date prior to the tournament.

You can download a copy of the Registration Sheet in Excel (.xls) here and a print version (.pdf) here. Alternatively there is also a copy in the Tournament Pack sent out to Managers. 

When completed, this sheet may then be emailed to Alan Gout or returned by post to Alan Gout, Grove Lodge, Chapel Road, Tadworth, KT20 5SF. 

If subsequently you require to make a change to these details then you must do this in writing (by email or post) to the addresses above. Minor changes will be allowed on the day and can be made at the point of registration.